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Claire Seidl

Photo Credit © Thom O’Connor

Claire Seidl is both a photographer and a painter. She has exhibited her work widely in both solo and group exhibitions with reviews in publications such as Art in America, ARTnews, The New York Times, The New York Observer, and Portland Herald Press. Her work is held in the collections of museums, universities, and numerous corporate collections. Seidl received a BFA from Syracuse University and an MFA from Hunter College and has taught art throughout her career. She lives and works in New York City and in Rangeley, Maine. Most of her photographs are taken in Maine, where she shoots extensively at night.



The light of the full moon reflects off the foreground stairs and glistens on a distant lake beyond a dark woods. Flashlight illumination tracks a highlight along the darkened ground and blazes a trail through thin air. The photographer, carrying the light pointed at the camera on its tripod, cannot be seen as she descends the staircase. While the exposure continues for close to an hour, the figure is in and out of the frame very quickly.

© Claire Seidl
Camera: Hasselblad 500 C, Lens: Carl Zeiss 80mm planar 1:2.8, Aperture: f/16
Exposure: 45 minutes, Film: Ilford Delta 3200

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